"Niked Diary" held at venue - Het Wilde Weten in Rotterdam netherlands, september 30 2014.
Installation- overhead on walls, prints, maps, texts, images and video.
Public keep diary very secretly and they locked all those moments Which
they had with society and with public but in realty we can’t say we are just the owner of
all those moments even we always ask for transparency but individually we keep self in
Very privacy.


Traveling of Dairy from Netherlands to India
At journey the long piece of paper of naked diary with unusual the piece of paper seem to have attracted attention of many as if by itself it was a piece of Art. So this piece of paper shared moments of diary and capture their moments that I can bring back and share. We decided to do an art piece together, sharing as well as exchanging our ideas and expertise. Social exchange took place within the few moments we shared. The moments were captured electronically by use of camera as well as captured by prints on the paper
Naked diary not only shared moments it helped to create an environment that produces art.